October 2016 archive

Yin and Yang

Fiona’s kittens are growing fast! This morning when we saw them laying together like this we just had to naame them Yin and Yang. I think this is the earliest we’ve ever named a litter. Okay, it’s not literally a Yin and Yang symbol, since they aren’t nose to tail. Technically they’re reverse spooning, but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/yin-and-yang/

That was easy

Fiona gave birth to two kittens yesterday afternoon, about fifteen minutes apart. We were afraid that with a small litter they get too big to squeeze out of the opening without trouble, but Fiona popped them out like a pro. They are both eating like champs and are very squeaky when mom leaves the nest. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/that-was-easy/

Sometimes it’s easy

Usually when we look at the x-ray of an expectant mother it’s a challenge to figure out exactly how many kittens to expect. You try to count the skulls or the spines, but with a bunch of kittens crammed in there it’s hard to be absolutely sure. But sometimes you look at an x-ray and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/sometimes-its-easy/

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