February 2016 archive

Enormously Gigantic Colossal Leap Kitten

Misty did end up needing a C-section, but she and the kitten came through it just fine. Misty was at least considerate enough to go into labor during the day so our regular vet was able to take care of things. They’re home how and the kitten (we think it’s a boy) is feeding like …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/enormously-gigantic-colossal-leap-kitten/

One is the Loneliest Number

It looks like Black Mist’s first litter is going to be a small one. Just one (very large) kitten. So small numerically, but maybe not small in size. Sometimes a girl’s first litter is small. Misty also took some time to warm up to Rigel, so maybe by the time they… consummated their relationship it was late …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/one-is-the-loneliest-number/

(Not So) Scary Monsters

It’s the David Bowie litter! The kids are growing fast and very active. They always run up to greet us, and not just because we might be bringing food. They’re just curious little squeakers! Anyway, here they are! All kittens in this litter are reserved.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/not-so-scary-monsters/

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