May 2016 archive

Seven-Part Harmony

Georgette’s seven little monsters are doing wonderfully. Their eyes are open and they continue to show off their vocal skills by singing in seven-part harmony whenever Georgie leaves the nest. Well, calling it harmony may be exaggerating. Come to think of it, it’s not exactly singing, either. After about a week Georgette caused a little drama …

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We’re gonna party like it’s 1999

Well maybe not. In 1999 we only had two cats. Well, Marie had two cats, I had no cats. What fun is that? Ashley’s kittens are walking around, exploring, and generally looking cute (like that is hard). Like the Bowie litter before them we decided that this would be the Prince litter! Ugh, our music …

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Georgette gave birth to seven very noisy kittens on Sunday morning (starting around 9:00AM and finishing up at 1:00PM… she took her time). All of the kittens have healthy appetites and really healthy lungs. There are times we question the wisdom of keeping the kitten nest in the bedroom. Like when we want to sleep. As you …

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