It’s the Irish Litter!

Patootie and Talisker are the proud parents of six kittens born a few days before St. Patrick’s Day… so we’ll think up some good Irish names for them.  There for four boys and two girls, five of which are already reserved. After an exciting (Caesarean section) delivery, Patootie and the kids are doing just fine.

We took the kittens out of the nest to take some pictures. Some of them seemed to enjoy it and some of them just wanted to get back to the nip.

A few days before delivery, Patootie looked like she was ready to pop. Rub the baby belleh!

Here is the Gang of Six! Just starting to open their eyes.

“I dunno, these two look suspicious to me.”

“I am the most interesting cat in the world.”

“I only look scared because I am!”

“And now I shall regale you with a witty monologue.”

“You woke me up for this?”

“What did I tell you about no pictures before coffee?”

“Shhh, I’m practicing for my audition to appear on The Voice!”

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