A bouquet of lilies

Tiger Lily’s kittens are out of the nest and have mastered the litter box at long last. Our normal process is to litter train the kittens while they are still in a very large puppy pen / nest, and once they use a litter box consistently they are free to roam about their room.

Lily had other ideas. She kept removing her kids from the nest and it quickly got to the point where we just removed the nest and let the kittens explore. Unfortunately, this led to a lot of “deposits” in corners, near near walls, or (more likely) in front of the door. The training technique is then to put a small litter box where they did the deed and transfer their stuff to it. Rinse and repeat until they eventually get the idea.

Sorry, that was probably more than you ever wanted to know about kitten poop.

Since this is Lily’s last litter, we decided to give her kittens temporary names from different types of lilies. Although, given the appetite of these kids, we briefly considered naming them after different species of piranha. They are seriously food-focused.

All of these kittens are reserved

Altaria (girl)

Brindisi (girl)

Brunello (boy)

Manipur (boy)

Anastasia (girl)


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