Chunky babies
Tiger Lily gave birth to seven kittens on August 6th. That was a few days early and they were a little small, but they are very good eaters and have more than doubled in weight in the past two weeks.
Last year Lily also gave birth to seven kittens and she had trouble keeping up with their milk needs, so we supplemented them with formula every few hours for a month (that was not a good month for sleep!). This time she is giving them all the milk they need. We only needed to give formula to a couple of the smaller ones for a few days because they were being crowded out of the nips by their bigger siblings. The extra feedings helped keep up their strength and they have no problem getting what they want now!
The father, Buster, was neutered a few weeks before the delivery (we are keeping him as a pet). While he kind of misses his testicles, he is very happy that this is the last time he will have to pay child support. His son, Fezzik (from his litter last year with Lily) is taking his place as a sire.
Here are a few pictures from the Kitten Cam to show the progress of Lily’s kittens.
All of these kittens are reserved.

The day after they were born. So tiny!

Getting bigger!

Good eaters!

Happy mama