Hungry babies!
Starry Night gave birth to three beautiful kittens on December 14th. Fezzik, the father, is very proud and ready to go on another date with Starry as soon as she is ready (in a year).
It was quite the dramatic night (and morning). Starry was in labor for an hour, but no kittens were coming out. She seemed to be anxious and since we knew the kittens were big we were concerned that the first one might be stuck. We made the decision to take her to the emergency vet, and set out a bit before midnight. Marie was in the back seat watching Starry, just in case she decided to give birth on the way. And at about 12:15AM, that’s exactly what she did!
I pulled over so Marie could tie off the umbilical cord, and then we headed home. Starry gave birth to the second kitten a few minutes after we got home. She took a long time to deliver the third kitten, but it finally appeared around 2:30AM.
We’ve had some easy deliveries the last few times, so I guess we were due! Since the first kitten was born in a Honda the leading contenders for names are ones like Accord, Civic, Prelude, Pilot, Fit. I suppose we could name a kitten CR-V, but that would be weird.
The kittens are all doing well, eating a lot, and growing very fast.
All of these kittens are reserved.