Getting Bigger!

Sorry there haven’t been more pictures of Pippi’s kittens before now, but there wasn’t much to see. Unlike Maybelline’s kittens (who tried to crawl out of the nest within hours of being born) these kids have been content to hang out with Mom, nurse, and turn into plump little potatoes. Now they’ve progressed to the point of being active, playful kittens, and their individual personalities are starting to show. So here they are! (They’re named after New Hampshire towns, by the way).

Oh, before we begin… I am very happy to say that Pippi’s kids learned to use the litter box faster than any set of kittens before them, for which I am very, very thankful.

Stoddard (boy) – available

Fitzwilliam (boy) – reserved

Keene (boy) – reserved

Henniker (boy) – available

Chesterfield (boy) – available

Swanzey (girl) – reserved

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