Fargo passed away today at the age of fourteen. He and his brother Flash (who passed last year) were our first show cats and the founding fathers of our cattery.
We got Fargo as a pet but decided to try showing him on a whim. He enjoyed it so much and did so well (a Triple Grand Champion) that he jump-started this crazy cat breeding journey. As a show cat he just enjoyed hanging out in his benching area and looking regal for the spectators. We lost count of the times a kid would exclaim, “He looks just like a lion!”
As a pet Fargo has been a devoted companion and lap cat. He slowed down in the past few years but that didn’t stop him from from expressing his affection by kneading our chests if we were having a bad day (or a good day, he wasn’t picky).
He is missed.

Show cat!
Howlyn Fargo of Atlastcats
a.k.a., Fargers, Fargs, Fargolicious, Mr. Big Head
2006 TICA Northeast Region Best Red Classic Tabby Maine Coon of the Year
2006 TICA Third Best Red Classic Tabby Maine Coon of the Year

When he was a kitten

Relaxed and retired