It’s been a little crazy around here with two litters of kittens running around and getting ready to go to their forever homes (cuteness overload!), so we’ve been remiss in introducing you to two new girls who we hope will be great future mothers.

First up is Bonaventure (we call her Bonnie for short) , who comes to us from GGlegacy Maine Coons. Bonnie is a sweet girl who just might be the dictionary definition of “love muffin.” She loves to be near or on us, and is not afraid of using her voice to let us know that she wants attention and/or food.
Bonnie accompanied Shirley (see below) to her first cat show and was nonplussed by the experience. She was too young to actually participate, but was content to hang out with Shirley in the benching area and took the crowds and the noise in stride.

We also would like to introduce you to Shirley. She is Queen Sarah Saturday’s daughter from our Laverne & Shirley litter. Shirley is laid back and affectionate. She can be independent, but when she comes around to sit on your lap, Shirley is ready for some serious head/chin/belly rubs.
Shirley went to her first cat show as a kitten, earned a few finals, and received some nice comments about her potential from the judges. She took to the process of showing and being handled by the judges very well, and by the end of the show she was playing with the judge’s toys and showing off her conformation like a pro.