Nikki’s kids are growing fast, eating solid food, playing, and using the litter box! They are already very social. When we come in the room they rush to our feet like we are their gods. Not that we’re ones to disabuse them of that notion.
A few years ago we had kittens that took to the litter box so quickly that we named them after scientists. Not this litter! They have finally figured it out, but we had a couple weeks of cleaning up little gifts they would leave in front of the door, and washing poopy butts. We’re glad they’re past that phase!
A few days before they were born our refrigerator died due to a power surge after a wind storm induced power outage. They were born on the day the new refrigerator arrived. So, of course, we gave them refrigerator names!
All of these kittens are reserved.

Amana (girl)

Kelvinator (boy)

Frigidaire (girl)

Hotpoint (boy)

Big Chill (girl)

Norhtstar (girl)

Crosley (boy)