Jackie gave birth to five beautiful kittens on Friday night! Also, Saturday morning, technically. She takes about an hour between kittens, just long enough to make you worry that something might be wrong… But, oh, wait, she’s pushing again and here’s another one!
All of the kittens are doing well and are very, very noisy.

Five noisy kittens!
All of these kittens are reserved.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/hello-world/
Jackie is due to give birth in about a week, and the X-ray reveals five (maybe six) little kitten skeletons in there. Onyx is the lucky dad. He is getting ready to pass out the catnip cigars, though I think he couldn’t help but “test one out” for “quality control.”

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/meanwhile-in-a-nearby-uterus/
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/one-potato-two-potato-three/
We were pretty tired last night so we decided to turn in early. Just as we were about to settle in Pippi went into labor. So much for that idea! Luckily, she is a real pro and ejected six kittens like clockwork at 20-minute intervals. Sadly, the last one was stillborn.
This morning the kittens and Pippi are doing great. They are very squeaky and Pippi growls every time she hears a noise from another room. It was squeak, growl, squeal, growl all night. So yes, we’ll be drinking lots of coffee today.
However, Pippi did allow us to get some pictures this morning!

Here we are!

The ever-popular kitten cluster

“Grrrrrrrr! Get away from my babies!”
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/bedtime-kittens/
Update: Raspberry Beret has gone to his new home!
Another update: Jelia Jamb is no longer available.
Yet another update: Billina has gone to her new home!
Things change. People change their minds, have a family emergency, or don’t find the color kitten they’ve got their heart set on and decide to wait for another litter. That means that some kittens we previously listed as reserved are now available. They are:

Raspberry Beret (boy)

Jelia Jamb (l) and Billina (r) – girls
They are all very active and friendly. If you are interested please fill out a placement application. Thanks!
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/actually-available/
Pippi and Onyx are expecting their first litter together late next week. Onyx is pacing around like a worried father. Okay, really, he’s not. He’s pacing around wondering when we’re going to let him woo another girl. Pippi, meanwhile, is getting bigger all the time. We were thinking that she must have eight kittens in there, but the X-Ray shows definitely five, maybe six:

Kittens and poop!
Just for some perspective, here is a picture of Pippi from a few weeks ago showing off how wide she’s gotten!

Pippi Got Back
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/big-as-a-house-full-of-kittens/
Georgette’s kittens are getting cuter by the day, especially since they’ve mastered the litter box. It was touch and go there for a while, but nothing helps your cuteness quotient like not pooping on the floor. It’s a phase kittens go through, but we’re glad it’s over!
So, although we were considering names like, “Poopypants” and “Stinky” we decided on an Oz Book theme instead. The movie is one thing, but you can’t beat the original books for sheer weirdness (and since we’re weird and raise cats so it all fits! Right? Right!).
Anyway, here are the little munchkins! (All of these kittens are reserved).

Dorothy (girl)

Toto (boy)

Glinda (girl)

Professor Woggle-Bug (boy)

Jelia Jamb (girl)

Billina (girl)

Tik-Tok (boy)
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/were-off-to-see-the-wizard/
Georgette’s seven little monsters are doing wonderfully. Their eyes are open and they continue to show off their vocal skills by singing in seven-part harmony whenever Georgie leaves the nest. Well, calling it harmony may be exaggerating. Come to think of it, it’s not exactly singing, either.
After about a week Georgette caused a little drama by trying to move them out of the nest, but upgrading her to the super-deluxe kitten pen a week early solved that problem. (Technically, it’s sold as a puppy pen, but when you raise Maine Coons you end up buying dog-sized stuff most of the time).

Here’s looking at you!
All of these kittens are reserved.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/seven-part-harmony/
Well maybe not. In 1999 we only had two cats. Well, Marie had two cats, I had no cats. What fun is that?
Ashley’s kittens are walking around, exploring, and generally looking cute (like that is hard). Like the Bowie litter before them we decided that this would be the Prince litter! Ugh, our music icons can stop dying, already.
If the names don’t match up with the genders exactly, they kind of match the colors. And hey, we resisted the temptation to name the dark boy “Batdance.”

Raspberry Beret (boy)

Little Red Corvette (boy)

Purple Rain (boy)

Darling Nikki (girl)
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/were-gonna-party-like-its-1999/

There’s seven there, really.
Georgette gave birth to seven very noisy kittens on Sunday morning (starting around 9:00AM and finishing up at 1:00PM… she took her time). All of the kittens have healthy appetites and really healthy lungs. There are times we question the wisdom of keeping the kitten nest in the bedroom. Like when we want to sleep.
As you can see, Georgette is very protective of her kids but we’ve submitted a petition to her highness and expect approval to take more pictures within a few days.
Al of these kittens are reserved.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/noisemakers/