Georgette is due to give birth in the next few days. She’s waddling around like she swallowed a basketball and now we know why. It looks like there are seven, maybe eight kittens in there. We’ll know for sure pretty soon!
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Apr 18 2016
A little early, but just as cute
Ashley gave birth to four beautiful kittens on Sunday afternoon, a few days earlier than expected. Unfortunately she had to have surgery to take out the last two that didn’t survive. One of the horns of her uterus was damaged and had to be removed. Or, as the vet said, Ashley is now a “Unihorn.”
The new kittens are doing fine and Ashley is recovering well.
All four of these kittens are reserved.
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Apr 14 2016
Meeting in the middle… of her belly!
One of us looked at Ashley’s big belly and said, “I predict there are seven kittens in there.” The other said, “Oh, I think there are five.”
Of course, that means there are six! Pictures of actual kittens and not just kitten skeletons next week when they pop out!
Four of these kittens are reserved.

Count the skulls and/or spines!
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Apr 06 2016
One kitten, many names
We gave Hipster his temporary name because of his little chin beard. However, we rarely call any cat by their actual name, just to jeep it confusing for ourselves. Therefore, as Hipster began exploring his room he became Magellan… and then Gellin’ Like Magellan… and then Melon… and then Melonhead.
Yeah, we’re really mature around here.
Anyway, here are more pictures! Oh, and this boy is reserved, of course.

What is that I see on the horizon?

Strange coloring from Hipster being in motion, but a great pose!

How do I get down from here?

No, really, I want to get down from here.

Okay, fine, one more picture!
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Mar 19 2016
Portraits of a kitten in black and white
When you’re a single kitten you get a lot of attention. For Hipster that also means lots of pictures. So here they are, presented in a semi-artistic style.
Oh, and Hipster is already reserved.

Action Kitten

This Is My Surprised Look


Cropped Too Close For Comfort

My Belleh

The Nose Knows

In Repose


Interesting Composition

Are We Done Yet?
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Mar 02 2016
Misty has mostly stopped growling at us when we get near the kitten, so we were able to get a picture!

So cuuuuuute
Misty’s baby is doing well and growing fast. He’s surprisingly mobile for a newborn. Misty didn’t like her nest and kept moving him under the bed so we had to them to the “kitten room” next to it a few weeks ahead of schedule.
This kitten is reserved!
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Feb 29 2016
Enormously Gigantic Colossal Leap Kitten

Misty did end up needing a C-section, but she and the kitten came through it just fine. Misty was at least considerate enough to go into labor during the day so our regular vet was able to take care of things.
They’re home how and the kitten (we think it’s a boy) is feeding like a pro.
Meanwhile, we’re thinking of of what temporary name to give the kid. We could name him something like Leapy or Leaper because of the day. But, given his size, something like Colossus, Enormo, or Gigantor seems to fit!
We’ll have more pictures when Misty let us. You can see that part of his muzzle is white, and he also has white mittens like his mom.
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Feb 27 2016
One is the Loneliest Number

Just the one!
It looks like Black Mist’s first litter is going to be a small one. Just one (very large) kitten. So small numerically, but maybe not small in size.
Sometimes a girl’s first litter is small. Misty also took some time to warm up to Rigel, so maybe by the time they… consummated their relationship it was late in her heat. Or maybe they didn’t mate as many times as we thought they did. We can’t be there to observe every time, but you can hear the commotion through the walls.
The downside with a single big kitten (besides LESS KITTENS) is the possibility of difficulty or complications during delivery. It could be anything from “kitten pops out and that was too easy” to “trip to the emergency vet in the middle of the night for a c-section” and everything in between. I suppose that is the way with every litter, but the single kitten thing has us extra-vigilant.
Anyway, Misty is due to deliver early next week, so we’ll see what happens!
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Feb 25 2016
(Not So) Scary Monsters
It’s the David Bowie litter! The kids are growing fast and very active. They always run up to greet us, and not just because we might be bringing food. They’re just curious little squeakers!
Anyway, here they are!
All kittens in this litter are reserved.

Starman (boy)

Rebel Rebel (girl)

Major Tom (boy)

Ziggy Stardust (boy)

Jean Genie (girl)

China Girl (girl)
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Jan 31 2016
Pictures of mobile potatoes
The Bowie litter is growing like gangbusters. A few weeks ago one could fit into the palm of your hand and now they’re each the size of your hand (unless you have really big hands).
The kittens are definitely in what we call “mobile potato” stage. We have a completely unscientific list of growth stages for the kittens, you see. They start as milk balloons, grow into sausages, then potatoes, then mobile potatoes, and so on. These kittens are just starting to crawl out of the nest, so they are definitely mobile!
We haven’t given these kittens names yet, but here are some pictures!
All of these kittens are reserved!
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