Like a rock

Cue the Bob Seger music…

Like a rock; I was cute as I could be.
Like a rock; Does my mom have milk for me?
Like a rock; Will I learn to poop and pee?
Like a rock.

Okay, not my best effort. Anyway, we named Georgette’s litter after rocks because it fit their colors. Let me introduce…

Obsidian (boy)

Onyx (boy)

Mica (girl)

Granite (boy)

All kittens in this litter are reserved.

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Cute is the New Black

We just finished binge-watching season two of Orange is the New Black, and it hit us… We have orange and black kittens.  Okay, they’re technically red and black, but it was close enough to give us a naming theme for this litter!

Caputo (boy)

Bennett (boy)

Cal (boy)

Piper (girl)

Alex (girl)

All kittens in this litter are reserved!

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Georgette lets us take pictures!

They’re getting bigger and more photogenic!

Gimme an “M!”

Yes, I am dark and mysterious.

What I lack in physical coordination I make up for with attitude.

We’re just sitting here trying to think of a witty caption for your picture.  Sorry, but we got nothin’.

Did you interrupt my power nap for a reason?

I am… kind of dark and mysterious.

Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.

I gots me a belleh!

Three of these four kittens are reserved!

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Not without drama

Georgette gave birth to four very active kittens yesterday.  In order to balance the karma with Pippi’s very easy delivery a few weeks ago, Georgette had to deliver her first kitten breach, with a leg stuck and so on.  It could have gone badly were it not for Marie’s expert midwifery (yes, it’s a word). That is why Marie is Executive In Charge Of Doing Gross Birthing Stuff.  As for me, I was at work at the time, so Marie had to fill in for me as Executive In Charge Of Keeping Count of Placentas, Weighing Kittens, and Looking Worriedly At The Clock Wondering When The Next Kitten Will Pop Out.

Georgette is being very protective of her kittens like a good mother should, so it’s difficult to get pictures right now without really upsetting her.  Here is something to tide you over until she stops trying to bat the camera out of my hand, though:


Three of these kittens are definitely reserved.


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Coming attractions… Georgette’s First Litter

In a world gone mad… CATS will give birth to KITTENS.  Okay, that happens in a world not gone not so mad, too. Georgette is expecting four kittens on or around July 1st. Okay, Georgette isn’t expecting anything, as this is her first litter.  We’re expecting the kittens. Georgette will be going, “AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!! What’s happening? Something is coming OUT OF ME! It’s just like that ALIEN movie!!!!” Or something like that.


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Pippi’s kittens and our first kitten video

This is the first time I’ve tried taking a kitten video, so my apologies in advance for how this came out.  The kittens are just starting to walk around and explore, so they don’t do all that much.  The nest door is open but they don’t venture out too often yet.

Oh, and here are pictures of each of the kittens.  No names yet!





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Eat, Sleep, Repeat

That’s what they do at this age. Some of them are opening their eyes. That is a little early, but that is how it goes with Pippi’s litters. Her kittens seem to mature quickly.

We especially appreciate this when they get to the “learning to use the litterbox” stage. But that is weeks away. Maybe. With Pippi’s kids you never know.




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Speed Birthing

Pippi popped out five kittens in about an hour and a half this morning.  The second one came out five minutes after the first.  I think that’s  a new record!  This may have been the easiest delivery ever, except that these kittens were super squirmy when we were tying off the umbilical cords.

There are three reds and two dark torbies. With Pippi and Rigel as parents the reds should be boys and the torbies should be girls, but we won’t officially say for certain until their equipment becomes obvious. As ever, my hopes that mating a red girl with a blue boy would result in a purple kitten were dashed. I know, that can’t really happen, but it would be cool.

Pippi and the kittens are doing well. She is very much in “protective mode” so we’re staying out of her face for now. Otherwise she’ll do something inconvenient like move the kittens from the nest to under the bed.

In case you missed it from a previous post… All of the kittens in this litter are already reserved.

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The Next Batch

Based on this X-Ray Pippi will be giving birth to five kittens, three turds, and a yellow mouse pointer.  The kittens are already reserved, although the turds and mouse pointer are up for grabs.

The kittens are expected on June 9th, although Pips has been known to pop them out early.  She definitely looks ready to burst!

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Introducing… the DNA Litter!

Here they are! Every litter is different, and this bunch is very social and people-oriented. If you come in the room they will come out to greet you. If you sit on the floor they will crawl on you and snuggle up. Just be careful where you sit. They’re still getting the hang of that litter box thing.

Cytosine (boy) reserved


Thymine (boy) reserved


Guanine (boy) reserved


Adenine (girl) reserved

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