Getting Bigger!

Sorry there haven’t been more pictures of Pippi’s kittens before now, but there wasn’t much to see. Unlike Maybelline’s kittens (who tried to crawl out of the nest within hours of being born) these kids have been content to hang out with Mom, nurse, and turn into plump little potatoes. Now they’ve progressed to the point of being active, playful kittens, and their individual personalities are starting to show. So here they are! (They’re named after New Hampshire towns, by the way).

Oh, before we begin… I am very happy to say that Pippi’s kids learned to use the litter box faster than any set of kittens before them, for which I am very, very thankful.

Stoddard (boy) – available

Fitzwilliam (boy) – reserved

Keene (boy) – reserved

Henniker (boy) – available

Chesterfield (boy) – available

Swanzey (girl) – reserved

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We’re calling it the “Lucky Litter”

Seven kittens. That’s lucky, right?

Lucky Lady (female)

Lucky Guess (female)

Lucky Charm (female)

Lucky Star (female)

Lucky Streak (female)

Lucky Strike (male)

Lucky Penny (female)

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Is this a photo op?

Pippi’s kittens are opening their eyes and really starting to grow (or, as we call it, “pudge out)”. They’re also getting pretty mobile, which means they won’t stay still for pictures.  But do kittens ever? So we took a lot of pictures and here’s the best of them…

You, on the end, look at the camera!

Nice, now everyone else… Oh, never mind.

Five out of six isn’t bad.

Okay, if you’re done we’re going to nap now.

Or maybe we’ll get really close to the edge of the bed and see what happens.

And now, for your entertainment, I will sleep in the cutest way possible.

The floor is so far away, and yet so enticing.

If you’re done taking pictures, we’re pooped!

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Well, Pippi decided to have her kittens a few days earlier than expected, so we have another six kittens in the house!  This is Pippi’s first litter, and she and the babies are doing fine. Like every new momma cat she is a little protective of her kids, but we managed to get a picture of the traditional “kitten huddle” anyway.

Let’s get a closer look at those sweet little faces… Ready now?


Double Awww!

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The lineup

Maybelline is getting a little more comfortable leaving the kittens alone in the nest once in a while. so we were able to get some good pictures.  They had lined themselves all up in a row for our convenience, which helped us get pictures of their faces. They’re just opening their eyes!

You should probably sit down before looking at these, lest you become faint from the massive cuteness.

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Better than nothing!

We tried taking some pictures of the kittens, but Maybelline was very protective of her kids and kept getting in front of us. Although the kitten’s eyes aren’t open yet they reacted to that anti-redeye light that comes on before the flash and they’d turn their heads. So, we got some pictures but I couldn’t tell you if I got all the kittens. So this collection is kind of random. But, hey… kitten pictures!

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Up all night

Maybelline gave birth to seven big, healthy kittens last night and into the wee hours. Look at those porkers and then imagine that she had those in her belly a few hours before. Yeah, it blows our minds, too.

There is a lot of variety in color in this litter, even a couple of blues. Based on the colors we think we have mostly girls (boys can’t have three colors), but we’ll be more certain when we get a closer look at their plumbing. That’s Marie’s job.

We’ll get more pictures when we’re awake, but right now we’re putting on a second pot of coffee.

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Lucky Seven

One can never be entirely sure from looking at the X-ray, but it looks like Maybelline will give birth to seven kittens on or around July 10th.  We thought it might be a big litter, because she’s looks like she swallowed a basketball. If she gets any bigger we’ll have to stick one of those Wide Load stickers on her rump.

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Talisker wants to be adopted

UPDATE: Talisker went to his new home in August, 2012!

Talisker has been neutered and is ready for adoption.  While he is a wonderful boy, he was very stressed out at being kept separate from the girls, so we decided to retire him as a sire early.  He needs to be in a home where he can be lavished with the attention that he deserves and craves. His best fit would be someone who is home most of the time.  He is wary of strangers, but once he picks you as his person he will snuggle and love you like there’s no tomorrow.

If you are interested in adopting an adult, please fill out a placement application. (We know, the application is for kittens but the same questions apply).

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Sleepy kittens are easier to photograph

The kittens were taking their afternoon nap, which was the perfect time to take pictures.  Otherwise all you would see would be blurry action shots.  They are kittens and they must be in motion, especially right after a meal.  But eventually they poop out, and here we are.

I might have nudged a kitten or two (or five or six) to get their eyes open.

Bainne doesn’t have three ears. That’s Finnegan behind her.

Within five seconds of this shot Bainne’s eyes were closed again.

Finnegan (aka, the Finster)

I am awake, and look good!

Siobhan looks a little rumpled from her nap.

Quinlan apparently thinks that Siobhan makes a fine pillow.

Seamus.  I hate to wake him, but…

Seamus had a growth spurt, but it was all in his ears.

Quinlan, are you going to open your eyes for us?

I guess not. (rear: Siobhan, middle: Quinlan, front: Doyle’s butt).

I only got one picture of Doyle because he posed perfectly the first time! Well, unless you count the prior picture of his butt.


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