Tag: Kittens

Three kittens, some waiting

Jackie had three beautiful kittens this morning! It was a ten hour labor (starting around 1:00AM, of course)  but mom and babies are doing fine. Some mother’s shoot them out like a machine gun, but Jackie decided that she’d relax and enjoy the experience of delivering her last litter before she retires. All of these …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/three-kittens-some-waiting/

Three for Jackie

Jackie will give birth to what looks like three large kittens next week! All of these kittens are reserved,

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/three-for-jackie/

Available kittens (and a cat)

Update: Volans and Draco are very happy in their new home! and Dorothy will be leaving for her new home soon! We have two 6-month old boys (Volans and Draco) and one adult (Dorothy) available! If you are interested in adopting please fill out a placement application. Volans loves to play but at the end of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/available-kittens-and-a-cat/

Monster Kittens Destroy Tokyo!

Every litter of kittens has milestones for which we watch. Walking. Eating solid food. Climbing on the chair. Pooping IN the litter box. Stuff like that. Fiona’s kittens are progressing  very well, indeed. The pooping OUTSIDE the box phase was amazingly short, and they seemed go from walking to climbing very quickly. They’ve also taken …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/monster-kittens-destroy-tokyo/

Little Monsters

Fiona gave birth to four huge kittens today! What they lack in quantity they make up for in sheer mass.  Mother and kids are doing well. More pictures and updates to come! Update 10/2/17: Unfortunately we lost one of the kittens last night. One of them wasn’t gaining weight as fast as the others and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/little-monsters/

Twice as good

Fiona will give birth to four kittens next week! The first time that Fiona and Buster mated in 2016 they only had two kittens (Yin and Yang). We were worried that either Fiona was winding down her time as a mom or Buster’s swimmers weren’t working. However, it was his first time so maybe he …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/twice-as-good/

Like little pooping stars in the sky

When Starry Night gave birth to a big litter of kittens it reminded us of a constellation (because she’s a star and now there are a lot of stars and… oh, never mind). Anyway, we decided to name the kittens after constellations (and being us we had to pick mostly obscure ones). The kittens are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/like-little-pooping-stars-in-the-sky/


Thanks to Marikoons Maine Coons for allowing this beautiful girl Eureka to join our household. Eureka will spend some exciting weekends on the cat show circuit (alongside Lola and Diggy) until she’s old enough to make babies. As you can see from the pictures below Eureka is still full of kitten energy. She is super-outgoing, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/eureka/

The Eclipse litter has their day in the sun

Update: Umbra is a girl! What did the sun say when the moon leaned in for a kiss? Eeek! Lips!! That will also be Marie’s reaction to me for the rest of the week now that I’ve made that joke. Because Nikki and Starry had their litter’s so close together people putting down deposits are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/the-eclipse-litter-has-their-day-in-the-sun/

Alexis is available!

Update: Alexis has gone to her forever home! Every once in a while a kitten needs a few more weeks with us to become properly socialized. Maybe they were lowest kitten on the totem pole and once the other kittens are gone they blossom. That’s our Alexis! Now that all of Georgette and Jackie’s kittens …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/alexis-is-available/