Tag: Kittens

Meet Rigel!

We have a new boy in our home, and his name is Rigel.  We will be showing him soon, and if all goes as planned he will be the father to many, many kittens.  Rigel is a stunning solid blue. Pictures do not do him justice. (Rigel, by the way, is a giant blue star …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/meet-rigel/


Two week old kittens. If they’re not sleeping, they’re eating.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/slurp/

Happy New Kittens!

Well, this was an interesting way to spend New Years Day.  Nutmeg began giving birth this morning and squirted out four cuties in rapid succession (we don’t call her “Machine Gun Megs” for nothing).  Then she started to have trouble with Number Five.   Try as she might, it wouldn’t come out.  We ended up taking …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/happy-new-kittens/

Count the kittens!

Normally when our vet x-rays an expectant mother she can give us a definitive count of how many kittens to expect.  But things are so crowded inside Nutmeg that all she’ll commit to is “five to seven.”  Looking at this, I can’t say I blame her. As usual, the dark stuff is just poop.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/count-the-kittens/

The “Occupy Couch” Movement

We’ve let the kittens out of the nursery and into the main part of the house so they can learn to socialize with other cats (and get more time with us, naturally). Needless to say, they are making themselves at home… Abigail Tipper has found her place in the sun. Jackie-O Bess is in Feisty …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/the-occupy-couch-movement/

Faster than a speeding sleigh

We were taking pictures of the kittens for this year’s Christmas card, and briefly considered using this sequence.  Cooler heads prevailed, but here it is for your enjoyment. Yeah, posing kittens is easy.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/faster-than-a-speeding-sleigh/


Well, the kittens are still a little young to be very cooperative when we take pictures (they want to look at everything except the camera) but we stuck to it and are proud to present the First Lady Litter…. Bess (Truman) Δ Abigail (Adams) Δ Ladybird (Johnson) Δ Tipper (Gore — should have been First …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/posers/

One week later…

They look less like sausage and more like kittens!

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/one-week-later/

They plump when you feed ’em

It’s amazing how big those kittens get after a few days.  They look like plump little furry sausages.  Maybe we’ll name the Bratwurst, Kielbasa, Andouille, Knackwurst, and Chorizo. Okay, maybe not.We have a rule about not naming kittens after food, no matter how tasty they look.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/they-plump-when-you-feed-em/

Maybe’s Babies

Maybelline gave birth to five big kittens on Tuesday morning!  They quickly proved to be more mobile than the usual litter.  One of them crawled out of the nest within minutes and we had to put up the barrier.  These beasties were a little late, so they must have used the extra gestation time productively… …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/maybes-babies/