Tag: Kittens

Peas in a pod

These two are inseparable! It will be a shame to seprate them, but we are keeping the girl on the left (Dunkini) as part of our breeding program. The girl on the right (Donut) is available for adoption!

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/peas-on-a-pod/

And then there were two

One of Gevalia’s kittens faded and died a few days after being born. We’ve avoiding posting the news until now because, well, what do you say? It’s a normal thing and it happens but it’s still sad. Like most mother cats, Gevalia knew something was up before we did and began rejecting the kitten and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/and-then-there-were-two/

Pumpkin in a basket

He’s getting bigger, but not so big he can’t fit into this little basket.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/pumpkin-in-a-basket/

Here they are! Gevalia’s First Litter

Gevalia (aka Baby) gave birth to a litter of three bundles of fuzz very, very early this morning. Mother and the little sucklers are doing fine. We love the little stripe on the head of this one!

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/here-they-are-gevalias-first-litter/

If you keep taking pictures, I will eat you! Nothing personal.

Pumpkin (no longer available for adoption, sorry!) likes having his picture taken, but after a while even he gets tired of it.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/if-you-keep-taking-pictures-i-will-eat-you/

I am kitten, hear me roar…

Pumpkin (that’s his name) is reserved for a wonderful family, but we have another litter coming in Early November. Okay, it’s more of a sqeak than a roar at this point. But, look at him! He’s just getting up on his feet and starting to get mobile. He’s determined to start exploring…   …if his …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/i-am-kitten-hear-me-roar/

A real bruiser

He’s all tuckered out from eating and growing. (Yes, it’s a He!). With all of that milk to himself he’s growing like gangbusters, too. We love those tabby stripes!

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/a-real-bruiser/

Behold! We have kitten!

Purrnando (aka Miss Purr’s) first litter is a small one — just one kitten. But what she lacked in quantity her first time around, she made up for in plain good looks. It’s a beautiful red tabby… ummm… kitten. It’s a little too early to know the gender for sure. Miss Purr finally left her …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/behold-we-have-kitten/

Introductions are in order…

Meet the kittens, now almost ten weeks old. Clockwise from left: Moonlight (M) adopted Moonface (M) adopted Moonshadow (M) adopted Moonbeam (F) adopted Moondance (F) adopted Tuckered out from a long day of playing and eating, they decided to hang out together on one of the cat tress. Luckily my camera phone was handy…

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/introductions-are-in-order/

Super Cuteness Powers

It’s helpful to keep a camera handy around the kittens, because you never know when they’ll use their Super Cuteness Powers on you compel you to take a picture.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/super-cuteness-powers/