Tag: Kittens

The Deep Space Nine Litter

Nikki’s kittens are doing well! They’ve progressed to eating solid food and are kind of, sort of, mostly using the litter box. Although sometimes not. It’s important to watch our step when we go into the kitten room. They are very social for their age, often scurry toward us when they see us, and don’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/the-deep-space-nine-litter/

A dramatic day, kittens, and an X-ray

Okay, where to begin? Today was the day we had a visit to the vet scheduled to get X-rays taken of Tribble and Lola to find out how many kittens they’re going to have. Tribble is due July 28th and Lola is due August 1st.  Except when Marie went to put Tribble in the carrier …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/a-dramatic-day-kittens-and-an-x-ray/

Five little kittens, all in a row

Nikki and Buster’s kittens are all doing well. They are getting plump and are very mobile, sometimes wandering away from mama and the other kittens (within the confines of the nest, of course). This morning we caught them in a moment of sibling togetherness and had to share. All of these kittens are reserved.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/five-little-kittens-all-in-a-row/

Wakey wakey

Nikki gave birth to five plump kittens this morning, starting around 3:00AM (of course). Delivery took about an hour, with a MTBK (Mean Time Between Kittens) of ten minutes. Her great-grandmother, Nutmeg, was also known for popping out kittens quickly, earning the nickname “Machine-Gun Megs.” The kittens are hungry and squirmy, and Nikki is taking …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/wakey-wakey/

Coming Attractions

IN A WORLD GONE MAD, Maine Coon Girls will mate with Maine Coon Boys and make Kittens! Tribble is pregnant by Max, and she is expected to give birth around July 28th. Lola is pregnant by Buster and is due around August 1st. We’ll post more information about how many kittens we’re expecting when we …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/coming-attractions/

At least five

We took Nikki for her x-ray today and it looks like she and Buster will have at least five kittens on or around June 25th! We’re counting at least five spines, anyway! If you are interested in adopting an kitten, please fill out a placement application. Update: Four kittens have been reserved.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/at-least-five/

Big belleh full of kittens

When Nikki lies down and plops her belly out to the side, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she’s definitely pregnant. Shes due in a few weeks and we’ll get an x-ray taken soon so we know how many kittens to expect. Nikki will be very happy to give birth, if only …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/big-belleh-full-of-kittens/

In which we get to show a little nipple

The nipple doesn’t lie! Darling Nikki and Buster had a romantic interlude a couple of weeks ago and her nipples are a lovely pink, which means she is pregnant. She’s also showing other signs (she’s extra-lovey, she’s starting lay down with her belly off to the side) so we’er ready to start taking kitten applications …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/showing-a-little-nipple/

Might as well face it, he’s addicted to laps

Update: Buddy Holly has been reserved! Buddy Holly is available! The person who reserved Buddy Holly asked if they could wait for a kitten from a litter next year because of new medical issues with their current pet. It just wasn’t the right time to take on a new fur baby. While we have absolutely …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/might-as-well-face-it-hes-addicted-to-laps/

Come and knock on our door…

Update: Chrissy decided that he’s a boy! We’re very supportive of his gender choice, whatever it may be. Okay, we might have mis-identified his gender a few weeks ago, but in our defense his testicles haven’t descended yet so it’s easy to get it wrong! Lola’s kittens are getting bigger every day! One week they …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/come-and-knock-on-our-door/