I approve of this liquid refreshment.
We’ve named Sara’s litter after famous dams around the world. Why, you might ask? Well, around our house Queen Sara Saturday is also known as the Water Commissioner. Whenever it’s time to change out the water, Sara will plant herself next to the bowl and paw at us as we take it away and put it back. Apparently this water replacement activity was not approved, she’ll have you know!
We thought of naming the kittens after rivers or oceans, but finally we decided on dams.
Anyway, that’s the backstory. Here are the kittens! They are all walking and eating solid food. They have not quite mastered the litter box yet, but they’re getting there. They’re very big into purring when we pick them up, and they are curious about everything. As I sat on the floor and photographed each kitten there were another three or four crawling all over me.
All of these kittens are reserved.

Oroville (boy)

Hoover (boy)

Garrison (boy)

Aswan (boy)

Samara (girl)

Cochiti (girl)