Georgette’s kittens are getting cuter by the day, especially since they’ve mastered the litter box. It was touch and go there for a while, but nothing helps your cuteness quotient like not pooping on the floor. It’s a phase kittens go through, but we’re glad it’s over!
So, although we were considering names like, “Poopypants” and “Stinky” we decided on an Oz Book theme instead. The movie is one thing, but you can’t beat the original books for sheer weirdness (and since we’re weird and raise cats so it all fits! Right? Right!).
Anyway, here are the little munchkins! (All of these kittens are reserved).

Dorothy (girl)

Toto (boy)

Glinda (girl)

Professor Woggle-Bug (boy)

Jelia Jamb (girl)

Billina (girl)

Tik-Tok (boy)