November 2015 archive

The Many Moods of Kittens

Jackie’s kittens are starting to get a little more mobile. We are fairly sure that there are three boys and two girls, but we’re going to wait a little longer to say which is which and make sure we have it right. It’s all a little fuzzy. Ha! Meanwhile, we took the kittens out of …

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Snuggling up

Here are Jackie Blue’s kittens all lined up in a row. They do this on their own (around here was call it the “Kitten Cluster”). Kittens can’t regulate their body temperature on their own for about three weeks, so they instinctively huddle together, or next to Mom. Jackie’s warm milk helps, too (and we have a …

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Afternoon delight

Jackie gave birth to five big kittens this afternoon! She is a bit worn out (delivery took almost four hours) but everyone is doing fine. More pictures to come! All kittens from this litter are reserved.

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Five or Six!

It looks like Jackie Blue will be giving birth to five or six kittens next week. Definitely five, but we think there is another one partially obscured by the poo. At Last Cats: Your best source for poo-filled kitten x-rays. Accept no substitutes.

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