July 2020 archive

Chubby kittens

First theĀ  good news: We have more pictures of Pixel’s kittens! Now the bad news: One of them passed a day after they were born. (This is why we changed our process so we don’t take deposits until a week after birth). The five remaining kittens are doing very, very well. They are getting plump …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/chubby-kittens/

Pixel makes it look difficult

Pixel gave birth to seven kittens this morning, six of which survived. The kittens that made it are doing fine, nursing well, and are very big! Last year we said of Pixel’s delivery that “Pixel makes it look easy.” This year she tried to prove us wrong. She was three days late when she started …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/pixel-makes-it-look-difficult/

Baby bumps

Pixel and Lily were hanging out together the other day and it was the perfect opportunity to compare their baby bumps. Pixel is due tomorrow (Sunday) and is expecting seven! Lily is due almost exactly a month later. She’s just starting to show a nice bump for her first litter. It always kind of goes …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/baby-bumps/

In which many pictures of kittens are taken

Nikki and Lola’s litters are doing wonderfully. They are eating solid food and (thankfully) bypassed the “pooping on the floor” stage and went right for the litter boxes with no fuss. Little geniuses! Nikki’s kittens have figured out how to climb into their cat tree and are a bit more curious and interactive, but they …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/in-which-many-pictures-of-kittens-are-taken/