Fezzik is available

UPDATE: We believe we have found a home for Fezzik. Thank you!

Fezzik is available! At three years old he has retired from breeding and is ready to be a pet in his forever home.

We love him to pieces and he is chill with our other cats, but we can only keep so many of our retired cats as pets without making it too crowded and making sure everyone gets the attention they deserve.

And Fezzik loves attention! If you go away for a few days he will shower you with love when you return. And we mean “shower” literally, because he will drool all over you out of excitement. (Don’t worry, if Fez gets regular attention and love, the day-to-day experience isn’t all that moist).

Fezzik is a big, strong boy, so you should be physically capable of handling him (or have a partner to assist) when you brush him or clip his claws.

If you are interested in Fezzik, please send an email to atlastcats@gmail.com to tell us a bit about yourself and why he might be a good fit for you, and we’ll send you the online application.

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/fezzik-is-available/