We took Nikki, Frida, Pixel, and Sara to the cardiologist for their annual cardiac ultrasounds and all of them were cleared for breeding. This was their first time (except for Nikki, was her third) but they all tolerated it like champs! Sara, in particular, has been very eager to go on a date with Max so we’ll have to arrange that the next time she’s ready!
Looking inside!
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/good-hearts/
When Nikki lies down and plops her belly out to the side, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she’s definitely pregnant. Shes due in a few weeks and we’ll get an x-ray taken soon so we know how many kittens to expect.
Nikki will be very happy to give birth, if only so she doesn’t have to ensure us saying things like, “Hows my belleh girl? How’s my girl with the big belleh? Do you have a big belleh full of kittens? Yes you do! Yes you do!” while we pet her.
Were we weird before cats, or did cats make us weird?
If you are interested in adopting an kitten, please fill out a placement application.
She just might be pregnant.
Hey, pretty girl! I’m taking your picture!
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/big-belleh-full-of-kittens/
Fargo passed away today at the age of fourteen. He and his brother Flash (who passed last year) were our first show cats and the founding fathers of our cattery.
We got Fargo as a pet but decided to try showing him on a whim. He enjoyed it so much and did so well (a Triple Grand Champion) that he jump-started this crazy cat breeding journey. As a show cat he just enjoyed hanging out in his benching area and looking regal for the spectators. We lost count of the times a kid would exclaim, “He looks just like a lion!”
As a pet Fargo has been a devoted companion and lap cat. He slowed down in the past few years but that didn’t stop him from from expressing his affection by kneading our chests if we were having a bad day (or a good day, he wasn’t picky).
He is missed.
Show cat!
Howlyn Fargo of Atlastcats
a.k.a., Fargers, Fargs, Fargolicious, Mr. Big Head
2006 TICA Northeast Region Best Red Classic Tabby Maine Coon of the Year
2006 TICA Third Best Red Classic Tabby Maine Coon of the Year
When he was a kitten
Relaxed and retired
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/goodbye-fargo/
Max is a getting to be a big boy! He’s not even a year old and he’s a very solid 18 pounds. He had his first date with Tribble the other day and we’ll know in a few weeks if he’ll be a father. Fingers crossed!
The nipple doesn’t lie! Darling Nikki and Buster had a romantic interlude a couple of weeks ago and her nipples are a lovely pink, which means she is pregnant. She’s also showing other signs (she’s extra-lovey, she’s starting lay down with her belly off to the side) so we’er ready to start taking kitten applications again.
If you are interested in adopting an kitten, please fill out a placement application.
Nikki is due to give birth on or around June 25th. We will start taking deposits about two weeks before the due date and will post an x-ray around then to show how many kittens we expect.
Pink is good!
The waiting is the hardest part.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/showing-a-little-nipple/
Max went in today for his first cardiac ultrasound today and is cleared for breeding! He’s a very happy boy, because he’s become very interested in girls and has been serenading them from his part of the house. As soon as the right girl cycles again they’ll have their first date. Love is in the air!
Getting tested
Meanwhile, Frida went to two cat shows in April and did very well! We added up the points and unofficially we think she’s a Double Grand Champion, and only four points away from Triple. (Nothing is official until TICA says so, but the numbers are the numbers).
Frida’s latest show was at an ice arena in Cambridge. Massachusetts. While it wasn’t cold enough for skating it was still pretty chilly, but Frida looked entirely comfortable in the benching area.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/passing-the-test/
Whenever a kitten goes to their new home Marie always says, “Send us pictures! We love pictures!”
Well, we were ecstatic when we heard from Tracey and John Schlotter, who got two boys from our second litter (the “Coffee Litter”) twelve years ago! They say that the boys are happy and healthy. These gentlemen look so magnificent that we asked Tracey and John if we could share their pictures, and they agreed!
Chance (formerly Juan Valdez)
Cole (formerly Bustelo)
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/twelve-years-later/
Maximus (Max) and Frida had a good time at the cat show in Natick, MA this weekend! Frida made two finals and probably earned her Champion title. We’ll know for sure when we count of the points. She’s still a little shy with the judges but as she’s getting used to the whole process.
Max is seven months old and so was shown as a kitten at this show. He makes for an enormous kitten! Max didn’t make any finals but he’s learning how to interact with the judges. He’s also a real crowd pleaser (not that it counts for anything with the judges). Every time he was on the judging bench there were audible “ooohs” and “aaaahs” from the audience because of his size and color.
Can you believe Max in the kitten class?
Frida gets judged!
Max chills between rings.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/at-the-cat-show/
The person who reserved Buddy Holly asked if they could wait for a kitten from a litter next year because of new medical issues with their current pet. It just wasn’t the right time to take on a new fur baby.
While we have absolutely loved having Buddy around (see below) he really does need to go to his forever home. Like most kittens he is energetic and playful, but he is also outgoing and very, very cuddly. Maine Coons aren’t always lap cats but this boy may be addicted to laps.
He’s a lap cat.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/might-as-well-face-it-hes-addicted-to-laps/
Update: Chrissy decided that he’s a boy! We’re very supportive of his gender choice, whatever it may be. Okay, we might have mis-identified his gender a few weeks ago, but in our defense his testicles haven’t descended yet so it’s easy to get it wrong!
Lola’s kittens are getting bigger every day! One week they were crawling with their front legs. A week later they were running around the room. Now they’re jumping on the chair. It’s the usual progression but it’s fun to see.
Jack is particularly feisty, chasing after our feet and attacking our toes. He definitely wants to be an alpha male!
As for the theme for this litter, we decided that one with a guy and two girls would make the most sense, so… Three’s Company it is!
All of these kittens are reserved.
Janet (girl)
Chrissy (boy)
Jack (boy)
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/come-and-knock-on-our-door/