…to bring you Lucky Strike giving me one of his patented extra-cute poses. These usually lead to lap time and a belly rub. Not that our cats have us well trained or anything. Perish the thought.
Kitten pictures coming soon!
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/we-interrupt-our-normally-scheduled-kitten-pictures/
May 04 2013
The kittens are two weeks old and growing into the fat little milk balloons they are! We still aren’t certain what gender they are. We think there are three girls and a boy, but it is hard to tell this early. But at least we have pictures!
I am the kitten who poses. You may see me in many pictures, because I naturally assume an adorable stance. Interested modeling agencies, please speak to my agent.
It’s the ever-popular and difficult to pose “front and rear” shot. I planned it that way, really. Okay, maybe not.
Welcome to Chez Bella. Today our special is fresh milk from nipple #6.
This bedspread smells so good! What fabric softener do you use?
I don’t always drink milk, but when I do, I choose Maybelline Milk. Okay, at this point I always drink milk, So sue me.
What’s that thing you’re holding in your hand? A camera? What does it do? I think I’ll smell it!
I’m not really sad, I’m just posing again. This is my, “Please sir, may I have some more?” look.
Why yes, your tail does make a marvelous chin-rest.
Yes, we’re smiling for the camera. What, you want us to look at it too? Sheesh!
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/chunky-monkeys/
Apr 21 2013
Maybelline gave birth two four plump kittens late Friday afternoon. It was a few days later than expected, but all are doing well. We would have posted pictures before now, but Bella has been very protective. She is a sweetheart, but Bella has quite the fearsome growl when she decides to use it.
It looks like we have two silver with white and two black with white. We’re not guessing at the sexes until their plumbing is a little more distinct.
This is about my most successful “lineup” picture. It would have been better, but Maybelline kept trying to “help.”
I’m off on an adventure, about an inch from my siblings! What an amazing world over here!
Maine Coon kittens. Cute and aerodynamic. How come they never made kitten-shaped hood ornaments?
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/theyre-late-theyre-late-theyre-late-for-a-date/
Apr 15 2013
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/supreme/
Apr 12 2013
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/its-four/
Mar 17 2013
We haven’t posted in a while and you’re probably wondering what’s going on! Well, we’ve been trying to get a girl pregnant, but cats don’t go into heat as often during the cold months. However, Maybelline is getting wider so we are pretty sure that Noreaster knocked her up. If so, we expect the kittens to pop out mid-April. X-rays and pictures when we have them!
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/whats-news/
Nov 23 2012
Update: Purr and Patootie have been placed together in their new home! We are thrilled that they were able to go together and are sure they are getting all of the love and attention that they deserve.
We have two lovely ladies who have retired from being mothers and are ready to go to new homes so they can get the dedicated attention they so richly deserve. Those of you who are interested in Maine Coons for their size, these girls are big! Almost boy-sized.
If you are interested in adopting an adult, please fill out a placement application.
Atlastcats Patootie Retired
a.k.a., Cutie Patootie, Toots, Poots, Pooty-Toots, Pooter, Pootie
Patottie wants your love, and she is darned well going to get it. She just wants to be near you, next to you, on you. You know that kneading thing cats do to let you know that they like you? Yeah, she does that. Are you a complete stranger? She loves you? Serial killer? She loves you, too.
Toots is an easy-going girl and gets along well with other cats.
Broadsway Purrnado of Atlastcats,Retired
a.k.a., Miss Purr, Gravity Girl, Purrbaby
2009 RW(NE) Best Blue Classic Torbie Maine Coon of the Year
2009 IW 3rd Best Blue Classic Torbie Maine Coon of the Year
Miss Purr is a quiet girl who likes people but will have to get to know you a little first. Once she does, she will shower you with purrs. How do you think she got her name? As a kitten she loved to explore and knock things off counters (hence the “Gravity Girl” name). Now that she has matured a bit she doesn’t do that so much, but if you pull out a toy she’d love to play.
For the most part Purr gets along well with other cats. For a while Purr and Hemi decided that they were mortal enemies, but they seem to have gotten over it. I think it was because Purr borrowed Hemi’s favorite dress without asking and spilled a strawberry margarita all over it and the stain won’t come out. Or I just have no idea.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/lovely-ladies-seek-new-homes/
Oct 27 2012
UPDATE: All of these kittens are in their new homes!
With two litters at once it can be a little confusing to know which kittens are still available, so here is a quick summary:
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/whos-left/
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/debate-watching-companion/
Sep 16 2012
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/the-lucky-ones/