They eat, they grow, they play, and they love hanging out together on this chair. Well, usually all of them do but one of them wandered off before I could get a picture of the whole group.
Anyway, here at last are the individual kitten pictures! We have given them temporary names using the theme of silent film stars. Because they are black and white and… in a fit of irony we decided silent films would be appropriate since their mother, Maybelline, is something of a talker.
One with the show! May we present…

Clara (girl) adopted

Barrymore (boy) adopted

Buster (boy) adopted

Zasu (girl) adopted

Lillian (girl) adopted

Faye (girl) adopted
If you’re interested in adopting a kitten or getting put on our waiting list, please fill out a kitten buyer application and send it to atlastcats@gmail.com.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/we-who-are-about-to-the-cute-for-the-camera-salute-you/

Talisker doesn’t need a gift, just the bag…
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/merry-christmas/

Four of the six kittens have been reserved. Meanwhile, they just keep eating and growing, eating and growing. There must be connection.

Oh yeah, and sometimes sleeping.

If we look really cute for this picture will you let us go back to sleep?
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/aint-we-sweet/

Time for a little relaxing on the couch. We’re just hangin’ out. Nothing to see here. Move along. (From left to right, Got Milk, Purrnado, Patottie, Blush),

Tootie and Blush engage in a little mutual grooming. I’d say one hand washes the other, but it’s more like one tounge washes the other…

Blush and Gevalia decided they they would arrange themselves for a perfect portrait.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/cats-on-a-couch/
The kittens are growing and just opening their eyes. Even when they’re in their huddle they never really stop moving, but we managed to get a few pictures…

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/i-saw-the-light/
Maybelline gave birth to six black and white kittens in the wee hours of the morning. All are doing well and eating like crazy. Mom is very protective but had to eat sometime so we were able to get a few pictures.
Okay, all together now….

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/kitten-huddle/

Maybelline’s first litter is due today (according to the calendar, at least). Luckily, it’s the weekend. You see, we sleep in shifts so one of us can check on her regularly. It may sound silly, but we need to be there to count the placentas (placentas should equal kittens or you’ve got trouble), tie off the umbilical cords, and assist in case of a breach birth. And of course we also weigh the kittens, clear out their airways if necessary, and make sure they find their way to their first meal.
I think I’ll brew another pot of coffee.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/the-waiting-is-the-hardest-part/

As mentioned elsewhere on the site, we raise our cats as part of our household, not in cages. Since the fertile boys have to be kept separate from the fertile girls (except for their scheduled… interludes) we swap them between different rooms of the house on different days so that they all get the people time they crave.
Lately we’ve had some contractors doing some renovations on the first floor, and since we don’t want any of the cats to get outside or underfoot, we have to herd the cats upstairs every morning. They aren’t always the most cooperative bunch, but for the most part they respond to calls and the sound of their food dishes being put out.
Who says you can’t herd cats?
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/herding-cats/
While we were showing Pumpkin at the TICA cat show in Boxborough, MA this past weekend, we bought him a new catnip toy, and… the results speak for themselves.

Mmmmmm! Good stuff!

Oh, yeah, I’m feelin’ the nip now, baby!

I’m just resting my eyes.

As for his performance in the ring, Pumpkin made it into two Finals and earned enough points to earn his Championship title. Not bad for his first time out in the adult rings!
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/nippin-at-the-cat-show/
Cayenne and Poppy have been adopted, leaving the beautiful Pepper as our only available kitten right now. (UPDATE: Pepper has been adopted!)

Pictures don’t do her justice.
Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/one-left/