Tag: Cute

That’s a Dam Nice Litter

We’ve named Sara’s litter after famous dams around the world. Why, you might ask? Well, around our house Queen Sara Saturday is also known  as the Water Commissioner. Whenever it’s time to change out the water, Sara will plant herself next to the bowl and paw at us as we take it away and put …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/thats-a-dam-nice-litter/

Six for Sara

Queen Sara Saturday gave birth to six large, healthy kittens on November 26th (the day after Thanksgiving).  They are growing impressively fast. Seriously, we weigh them twice a day and we’re pretty astounded at the numbers. We believe that there are four boys and two girls. All of these kittens are reserved and we will …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/six-for-sarah/

Hello, Mariah!

We have a new member of our household, and we’ve named her Mariah! She comes to us from Koonstler Cattery, courtesy of Genoa Shepley and Doug Nickel. We’re excited and thankful to have her in our cat family. We know that she will make beautiful babies, and we’re especially curious to see what will happen …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/hello-mariah/

The Goodbye Litter

Tiger Lily’s kittens are doing great, walking (and running) around. Whenever we come into their room a bunch of them just come running over. They aren’t too interested in solid food just yet, but they are very, very curious. Since this is the last litter that Buster fathered, and he has said goodbye to breeding …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/the-goodbye-litter/

Buster goes out with a bang

Tiger Lily gave birth to seven kittens on August 6th. That was a few days early and they were a little small,  but they are very good eaters and have more than doubled in weight in the past two weeks. Last year Lily also gave birth to seven kittens and she had trouble keeping up …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/buster-goes-out-with-a-bang-lily/

We’re pooped

Pixel’s kittens are progressing like normal kittens, except for one thing. Pooping. Okay, hear us out. We know there’s a fair amount of poop talk around here, but it’s part of the territory. Kittens poop. Everywhere. But these little rascals never pooped outside of the litter box once. Not once. They took right to it,  …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/were-pooped/

Some time in the sun

Now that Nikki’s kittens have gotten their first vaccinations they left their private room and are mingling with our adult lady cats. They are just full of energy and seem to be in perpetual play mode. They do stop and rest on occasion, though! Here are four of them we caught in a rare moment …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/some-time-in-the-sun/

Supermarket Sweep

Pixel started to give birth on Wednesday, April 28th while I (Chris) was grocery shopping. We were expecting eight kittens and by the time I got home four had already come out. The remaining four came out about one every 25 minutes.  All seemed well. Pixel was very protective and seemed a little stressed, but that’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/supermarket-sweep/

Just Chillin’

Nikki’s kids are growing fast, eating solid food, playing, and using the litter box! They are already very social. When we come in the room they rush to our feet like we are their gods. Not that we’re ones to disabuse them of that notion. A few years ago we had kittens that took to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/just-chillin/

Cold Comfort

Nikki gave birth to seven kittens on the evening of March 8th. All them are growing and nursing wonderfully. No definite news on their pronouns yet, but we’ll know in good time. The delivery was undramatic and didn’t take long. Nikki takes after grandmother, Nutmeg, who would shoot out kittens in record time (hence the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/cold-comfort/