Tag: Kittens

(Not So) Scary Monsters

It’s the David Bowie litter! The kids are growing fast and very active. They always run up to greet us, and not just because we might be bringing food. They’re just curious little squeakers! Anyway, here they are! All kittens in this litter are reserved.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/not-so-scary-monsters/

Pictures of mobile potatoes

The Bowie litter is growing like gangbusters. A few weeks ago one could fit into the palm of your hand and now they’re each the size of your hand (unless you have really big hands). The kittens are definitely in what we call “mobile potato” stage. We have a completely unscientific list of growth stages for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/pictures-of-mobile-potatoes/

Holy mackerel!

Kittens instinctively cluster together for warmth, which inevitably makes for a very cute picture. So, here is the kitten cluster picture for the Bowie litter! The kittens are growing fast and Fiona is being very attentive, as always. Several of these kittens have a beautiful mackerel pattern.  It’s going to be very interesting to see …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/holy-mackerel/


Fiona gave birth to six squeaky kittens on Tuesday, January 11th. It was a couple of days earlier than expected, but they were also all a little bigger than normal. Lucky Strike, the father, was not surprised. “Mrrph!”* he said, “They got it from me. I’m never late for anything. Especially dinner.” Fiona, as usual, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/ch-ch-ch-changes/

Six spines for six kittens

The X-ray says that Fiona will give birth to six kittens late next week! That’s how we’re interpreting it, anyway. Lucky Strike, the father, had no comment when told the happy news. Well, he did say, “Mrph!” and went back to grooming himself, but that can be interpreted any number of ways. We think it means …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/six-spines-for-six-kittens/

Yeah, we’re just gonna be cute now

Jackie’s kittens are getting bigger! They are very curious and outgoing. They’re making great progress on the litter training, too. They are finally finished with that phase where they rub their butts on the floor and leave skidmarks everywhere. The floor ends up looking like a pirate’s treasure map, except the treasure at the end …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/yeah-were-just-gonna-be-cute-now/

The Many Moods of Kittens

Jackie’s kittens are starting to get a little more mobile. We are fairly sure that there are three boys and two girls, but we’re going to wait a little longer to say which is which and make sure we have it right. It’s all a little fuzzy. Ha! Meanwhile, we took the kittens out of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/the-many-moods-of-kittens/

Snuggling up

Here are Jackie Blue’s kittens all lined up in a row. They do this on their own (around here was call it the “Kitten Cluster”). Kittens can’t regulate their body temperature on their own for about three weeks, so they instinctively huddle together, or next to Mom. Jackie’s warm milk helps, too (and we have a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/snuggling-up/

Afternoon delight

Jackie gave birth to five big kittens this afternoon! She is a bit worn out (delivery took almost four hours) but everyone is doing fine. More pictures to come! All kittens from this litter are reserved.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/afternoon-delight/

Five or Six!

It looks like Jackie Blue will be giving birth to five or six kittens next week. Definitely five, but we think there is another one partially obscured by the poo. At Last Cats: Your best source for poo-filled kitten x-rays. Accept no substitutes.

Permanent link to this article: https://atlastcats.com/five-or-six/