Mariah gave birth to five beautiful kittens on September 3rd. All of the kittens are healthy and growing like crazy. Mariah took to being a mother very well, and the kittens took to nursing with no issues. The kittens are just starting to walk and explore beyond their nest a little.
Apologies for the long delay in posting this, but it’s been quite the time. Although we got as many kittens as expected and counted all of the placentas (and then some) there was still an extra placenta inside Mariah that we didn’t know about. She developed a serious infection and had to be spayed. Plus another visit to the vet a few days later for stronger antibiotics.
This hasn’t prevented Mariah from nursing the kittens and being a good mama (though the e-collar after surgery certainly frustrated her).
There are four boys and one girl, all of which are reserved. We’re keeping the girl to replace Mariah. Mariah came to us with very good genetics from another breeder, and we definitely want to keep those in the mix for future litters.
Fezzik, the father, was pleased that the kids all have his red silver color (though it could have come from Mariah just as easily). We are having a very hard time telling all of the kittens apart!
We’re considering an “eye” theme for the litter, since I had cataract surgery a few days after the birth. Possible temporary names are Iris, Cornea, Pupil, Retina, and Lens. Marie vetoed Vitreous Body, Sclera, and Optic Nerve, for some reason.

Five cuties