It’s another Weekend in New England, and Loa’s kittens are doing great. Even Now, after a tiring photography session they are as rambunctious as ever, and It’s a Miracle that we got any good pictures at all. Fezzik, the father, is Ready to Take a Chance Again with Lola, but this is her last litter …
Tag: Cute
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Dec 26 2022
The Windy Litter blows into town
Lilly’s kittens are doing great! They’re eating solid food and easily mastered the litter box. Early on they did some amazing stunts that led to questions like, “How did they get a turd THERE?” Thankfully, they’ve settled into a more normal location. The kittens were born on a windy night, so we decided name them …
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Dec 04 2022
Early, as usual
Tiger Lily gave birth to three kittens on November 12th (two days early). All are doing well and starting to walk. The last kitten (“Tiny”) was very small and we weren’t sure if she was going to make it, but between supplementing her diet with formula and an attentive mama, she is thriving, if not …
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Oct 09 2022
Eye see what you did there
Mariah and Fezzik’s kids are doing great! They’ve graduated to solid food and have mostly mastered the litter box. It’s always entertaining when you walk in the room and they all come running up to your feet to check you out. We chose an “Eye” theme for the litter because they were born a just …
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Sep 24 2022
Mariah’s first and last
Mariah gave birth to five beautiful kittens on September 3rd. All of the kittens are healthy and growing like crazy. Mariah took to being a mother very well, and the kittens took to nursing with no issues. The kittens are just starting to walk and explore beyond their nest a little. Apologies for the long …
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Mar 19 2022
One for Nikki
Darling Nikki had a single boy kitten on February 27th in what is probably her last litter. He’s just starting to walk and is growing fast (but then, he is getting all that milk to himself). Fezzik, the father had no comment other than that he’d like to try again, if only to prove his …
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Feb 06 2022
The Cat Pack hits Vegas
Lola’s kittens are growing like crazy and are doing well. They have met the litter box and so far they’ve been using it. Smart kids! Overall they’re just a very active and curious bunch. When the kittens were a few weeks old, Lola moved them from the nest to a spot near the door to …
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Jan 16 2022
Meet the Honda Litter
Starry Night’s kittens sat for their photos today. Well, if you could call it sitting. It was more like running, flipping over, and turning away from the camera. If kitten butt pictures could be sold as NFTs we’d make a fortune. Maybe as cryptocurrency? CryptoKittenButts? Nonetheless, we got a few good pictures! In other news, …
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Jan 16 2022
The Long Delivery
Lola gave birth to six healthy kittens on January 5th. It was a long, six hour labor, but thankfully she decided to pop them out during the day. All of the kittens are eating well and growing like crazy. We had to switch them to a bigger nest today because they’re just so chunky and …
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Dec 26 2021
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
Starry Night gave birth to three beautiful kittens on December 14th. Fezzik, the father, is very proud and ready to go on another date with Starry as soon as she is ready (in a year). It was quite the dramatic night (and morning). Starry was in labor for an hour, but no kittens were coming …
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